Or, at least, it's the last (and only) letter I've come across so far.
Erna was my father's younger sister. (But older than Regina. The birth order was Marta (1905), Dago (1908), Erna (1909), Henry (1913), Regina (1915), Sam (1917).) She married her half-cousin, Jecheskel Hochbaum (Tamar's uncle) and had a son Chaim Hirsch in 1936. She's clearly a "Hochbaum" - a cross between my aunt Regina and the Hochbaum brothers.
Here are some pictures, taken in Beuthen, probably in 1938, after Regina had left for Palestine but before my father, Sam and Henry came to the States. (The actual photos are tiny.)
Erna was my father's younger sister. (But older than Regina. The birth order was Marta (1905), Dago (1908), Erna (1909), Henry (1913), Regina (1915), Sam (1917).) She married her half-cousin, Jecheskel Hochbaum (Tamar's uncle) and had a son Chaim Hirsch in 1936. She's clearly a "Hochbaum" - a cross between my aunt Regina and the Hochbaum brothers.
Here are some pictures, taken in Beuthen, probably in 1938, after Regina had left for Palestine but before my father, Sam and Henry came to the States. (The actual photos are tiny.)
Erna and her husband and son |
Erna and her baby |
Chaim Hirsch, Jecheskel, Erna, Henry, Marte and David Green (Grun) |
That's Charlie with his tongue out... Jecheskel, Chaim Hirsch, Charlie, Henry |
Erna, my father and Marte Back row - Jecheskel, Erna, David and Marte, Charlie's Aunt Lily (I think) Front row - Sam, my father, Charlie, Henry |
Regina used to say, "Wasn't she a beauty? So nice and zaftig." I don't think she was being ironic.
And, from Andrea's collection of pictures, here's a picture of Chaim Hirsch, dated September, 1938.
The letter we have -- it was in Charlie's files -- is dated April 15, 1941. It is actually from Erna's husband Jecheskel Hochbaum and Erna, and has postscripts from 3 other people -- Miriam Rauchwerger, Helene Rauchwerger and "Chaskel."
Here's the original followed by the translation. As you can see, they are responding to a letter from my father, announcing his engagement, and sending their congratulations, but the letter also tells us a little bit about what life was like between 1939, when I think they were deported from Germany, and 1941.
Brzesko 15th April 1941
My Dears!
Your letter from March 13th of this year we have very gladly received. We also are glad that Dago has gotten engaged. - Now, dear Dago, I wish you to your engagement much luck and everything good. All the best! Your bride, unknown to us, I wish a happy future and the most fervent felicitations. Although we do not know her personally but as you dear Dago has chosen her as your chosen one, we are very very satisfied. - Your letter with your picture we have not received yet, however hope that it will arrive soon. From Marte we receive mail regularly. They are doing well. Many thanks for the congratulation for Heini's birthday; he is almost 5 years old and is quite a guy.
Now I wish you all the best and remain with fervent greetings,
Jecheskel Hochbaum
Dago, please transmit to your dear bride from me the wishes as well as the most fervent greetings.
My Dears!
We have received your letter of 3.13 which we enjoyed very much, because we have had no mail from you for a very long time. Cordial Mazel tov for Dago's engagement. May God give that he will be very happy and have a future without worries. We were very happy with this news and dear Marta sent us the picture of you which is very nice and the bride is a sympathetic, pretty little woman and the other misses are very nice and pretty. You too look very good. One can see that you have good taste. Are that already your brides? [?? This could be, are they already married? Or, are they your bridesmaids? ]
With us, thank God, everyone is well; dear Heini is already a big boy and next week will be 5 years old. He is adorable and vibrant and goes to playschool and asks often about you.
From Marta we receive mail weekly and we are glad that she is fine. Also she sends us your mail. We are also glad that dear Thea (?) is fine. Nitek Kurta [Kuntz?] has also married and Srulek [Smulek?] is at home.
Uncle Aaron [I assume this is Aaron Hochbaum, Regina Rappaport and Duftsha Schoenberg’s father] is well and the dear aunt is healthwise better because she was very sick. Their address is: Borek - Falecki near Krakow - Chrulstrasse 277. They would be very happy if they got a letter from you. They were the first to congratulate us on Dago's engagement and cordially enjoyed that he remained in the family. [This is clearly a reference to my mother and father being first cousins, once removed. The immediate cousins had the same father but different mothers, so it is not QUITE as bad as it sounds.].
The Rauchwergers are now here also and we live in the apartment together. [Miriam Rauchwerger was Jecheskel's sister, I think.] Otherwise we are satisfied and we all look well and don't worry about us. What is with you my dears and what are the relatives doing and who takes care of your household when you are occupied, and how is the family Schaufeld? Do you get together with Rosa [Rose Schaufeld, Jerry's mother] frequently? Regina wrote that she does not get any mail from Rosa and that they now live in Tarnow - Krakowska 24. You should write to her at this address. [I assume the Regina referred to here is Regina Rappaport, but it could also be Regina Singer...or yet another Regina.]
Now I have written and today we have Halemod [?] so I want to close with the most cordial greetings and kisses as well as wish you all the best from all my heart.
To the dear bride cordial regards and mazel tov and a happy future.
For Mr. Weisberger, Ulreich, and Redner cordial regards. [Oscar Weisberger, Dave Ulreich and Dave Redner were partners with the Hochbaum brothers in a business called Midtown Novelty. Dave Ulreich and Dave Redner later became my father's partners in the Elvee Pearl Company.]
My Dears!
As you see we are together again so receive many cordial regards from me, my dear husband and children. You dear David, we congratulate cordially as well as your dear bride, because I belong also to the relatives. Give her also from us cordial regards.
Miriam Rauchwerger
Greet you cordially and wish dear Dago all the best from all of our heart.
Your Helene Rauchwerger
Also from me best regards,
We don't have the pictures that my father sent, but here are two in my files that date from 1941. I don't know what the occasion for the second picture was (someone's engagement party?), but the contrast with what was happening in Europe is a little breath-taking.
I've been trying to track down what happened to Erna and her family. There is a tracing service called ITS that has the German archive records and will provide information, but the only thing they could tell me, which I already knew, was that Erna died of typhus, in Bergen-Belsen, on April 26, 1945, less than two weeks after liberation.
They didn't have any records of her husband or son.
In the Yad Vashem database, there is a record for Jecheskel, provided by his cousin Esther Gros (who provided a lot of records of our family) that says he died in Auschwitz in 1942.
The letter translated here gives us an additional piece of information that may be useful in finding out what happened to the family. The letter was written from Brzesko, a town in Poland east of Krakow. If I feed that back into the archive search they may have additional information. In the meantime, though, here is what I could learn about Brzesko. The source is from a book about Oskar Schnindler (thank you, googlebooks....):
"About 4000 Jews lived in the Brzesko ghetto, which the Germans had opened in 1940. Over the next two years, the Germans would send another 1000-1500 Jews there. In September 1942, 2000 Brzesko Jews were sent to the Belzec death camp 150 miles to the northeast. A year later, the Germans ordered the Brzesko ghetto closed and sent its remaining 5000 Jews to their death in Auschwitz. In the midst of these horrors, the Germans also massacred another 500 Brzesko Jews. Today, a monument in the Jewish cemetery marks the site of their mass grave."
We don't have the pictures that my father sent, but here are two in my files that date from 1941. I don't know what the occasion for the second picture was (someone's engagement party?), but the contrast with what was happening in Europe is a little breath-taking.
I've been trying to track down what happened to Erna and her family. There is a tracing service called ITS that has the German archive records and will provide information, but the only thing they could tell me, which I already knew, was that Erna died of typhus, in Bergen-Belsen, on April 26, 1945, less than two weeks after liberation.
They didn't have any records of her husband or son.
In the Yad Vashem database, there is a record for Jecheskel, provided by his cousin Esther Gros (who provided a lot of records of our family) that says he died in Auschwitz in 1942.
The letter translated here gives us an additional piece of information that may be useful in finding out what happened to the family. The letter was written from Brzesko, a town in Poland east of Krakow. If I feed that back into the archive search they may have additional information. In the meantime, though, here is what I could learn about Brzesko. The source is from a book about Oskar Schnindler (thank you, googlebooks....):
"About 4000 Jews lived in the Brzesko ghetto, which the Germans had opened in 1940. Over the next two years, the Germans would send another 1000-1500 Jews there. In September 1942, 2000 Brzesko Jews were sent to the Belzec death camp 150 miles to the northeast. A year later, the Germans ordered the Brzesko ghetto closed and sent its remaining 5000 Jews to their death in Auschwitz. In the midst of these horrors, the Germans also massacred another 500 Brzesko Jews. Today, a monument in the Jewish cemetery marks the site of their mass grave."