"This is interesting and raises some questions. We didn't really know the details of what happened to Charlie after the war. I had imagined that he was in a displaced persons camp until he came to the US.
Esme thinks he came to live with you after she was born in 1947. So the questions are:
What were the circumstances of his being freed from the Nazi's?
How did he spend those two years?
How did Lilli Green and her husband survive the war?
How did she find Charlie?
Since he had family in Europe, why did he decide to come to the US instead of staying in Czechoslovakia?"
We know the answers to some of these questions, because Charlie told us in a talk he gave about his experiences at his synagogue. The whole talk is included as an attachment to Charlie - Part II in the right column of this blog, but here's a snip that addresses some of the questions Richie asked:
Charlie came to the US in September, 1946. Here is a picture of him arriving, and the two page ship manifest. (You'll have to blow up your browser window to read it. One of these days I'll put all the ship manifests we've got in a pdf as background info, which will make them easier to read.) That's Aunt Hilda and Uncle Henry with him. The ship manifest says they arrived in New York, but the story I always heard was that there was a longshoremen's strike in NY, and so the ship came in in Philadelphia. Charlie's luggage had been lost in Paris, as I think I've already reported, so he arrived on a very hot day, wearing woolen knickers, which were the only clothes he had.
Lily and her husband eventually came to the US also, and settled in Seattle. I'm not sure when or what the circumstances were....I'll call Alice and see whether I can get more info.